Monday, April 29, 2013

MVA is at White Elephant Emporium!

Saturday we moved into our new booth at the White Elephant Emporium.  It was a lot of fun but also a lot of work.  I would like to send out a big hug and thank you to Dan and Jim. I would probably still be there working if it wasn't for their help.  So thanks again!!

This was my first experience at setting up a booth.  For anyone interested, my advise is do lots of planning ahead!  For example, we found a great wooden shelf at Potters House that measured 7' long and about 4'tall for the back wall of the booth.

I set up the shelf at the house Friday night and figured out all the glassware arrangement and snapped a photo on my iPhone.

Then on Saturday when we put the shelf in the booth, as we unwrapped the glassware, I just looked at the photo and knew exactly where to put each piece.  What I didn't want to have happen was to be arranging everything on the shelf 100 different ways during set up.  Dan was even able to help put items on the shelf by looking at the picture and everything made it to it's correct spot and none of my OCD had to come out!!

The coolest part of the day was having folks "ohh & ahh" at the items in the booth as we were setting up.  We even sold 3 things before we were done.  The space next to us was vacant, so we used it as a staging area.  We sold one of our most expensive pieces out of the staging area before it even made it into the booth!  It made me very happy because once we got the booth all put together, it was apparent that we wouldn't have had room for it anyway!

Jim and I checked back on the booth Sunday afternoon and another small piece had sold.  I guess we did a good job of picking and staging.  I hope the good sales continue!

So if you're in South Fayetteville and are looking for a bargain, come check us out at the White Elephant.  They are located on MLK kind of catty corner and across the street from Zaxby's. Our booth is downstairs and it has a big MVA sign in it.  Hope to see you there!


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