Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

I hope all the mother's out there had a nice Mother's Day weekend.  We had a busy weekend.

Friday afternoon we went to an estate sale and a couple flea markets and shops. The highlight of Friday was Ann Marie's Farmhouse, located at 3095 Wagon Wheel Road in Springdale.  The shop is owned and ran by Melissa and her husband Jeff.   Their Facebook page can be found here. This shop is located in a cute little house, with each room filled with antiques, primitives, restored/repainted furniture and some shabby chic flair. She had an amazing Fire-king collection (I'm jealous!).  I really enjoyed meeting Melissa.  Below are some pics I took while at her shop.

Saturday morning we got up and hit about 10 yard sales around the area.  We picked up a nice set of Fire-king saucers, an old darkroom timer and a vintage trophy, among other neat pieces.

Saturday night we went to Cornerstone Auction House and loaded up on beautiful colored glass and other awesome treasures. Dan went with us and picked up a new flat screen TV.

While at Cornerstone, I visited with Ken, the auctioneer at Ken's Auction House.  He has a huge auction coming up in June at the Holiday Inn in Springdale.  It's going to be a big one!  Below are a few pics of what he has lined out so far.  It's my understanding that this list will be growing.  We will have another write up on this auction in a week or so.

After we got the car unloaded, from the earlier yard sales and auction, this is what my poor living room looked like.  Ty was a trooper and stayed up past midnight with me trying to get everything sorted and entered into my Spreadsheet (yes I'm OCD).

Sunday we met up with Mom & Dad and Cass & Ashley & Kendal for a Mother's Day breakfast. Kendal entertained us until breakfast arrived.

Afterwards we went home, took a nap, then went up to White Elephant to check on the booth and drop off some items.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. 

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